Monday, September 24, 2012


So the other morning after waking up...I felt there was more I needed to know.  I couldn't remember my dream, so I went back to my dream-state with a clear intention. What message do you want me to know? 

Ask and you shall Receive!

Once back in my dream-state, two people walked through my door. It was Maria and Joaquin. I was SOOOOOO excited to see them...and they were SOOOOOO excited to see me. :) Joaquin came over to me and sat in my lap. I felt the back of his heart chakra plug into the front of my heart chakra. We were all loving and appreciating one another. Joaquin starts talking a lot. I turned to Maria and mentioned that. She nodded her head and agreed. We continued to smile and Be. 

Next was sort of a commentary I heard. (kind of like "witnessing" what just happened).
I was shown we are all energy. I didn't expect anything from either Joaquin or Maria. They walked in and we were happy to be with each other. Lots of appreciation. Because we were just being and not talking, we held space for one another. There was nothing to do...just be. I woke up elated. I knew I was ENERGY. I can not fake my energy/or frequency. I was just BEING. 

After I woke up I wrote this experience in my journal. As I was writing I got even more insights. By the way, Joaquin is diagnosed Autistic. He's a verbal 4-year old boy. The intervention his parents chose to support his progress is called the "Son-Rise" program. This program focuses on "meeting the child where they are" instead of trying to "fix" or change the child/and their behavior. My dream felt very much like that. We were all connecting at the heart. 

After finishing my journaling, I contacted Maria over FB. I found out that she was currently at the Option Institute (the home of the Son-Rise program). Joaquin was there too, having a great time playing with the new trainers. haha I love the synchronicity here. 

What I learned. "There is nothing to do. Just BE." Once we start trying, we're out of the game. Also, appreciation and gratitude increase our vibration. When we are fully in the moment, miracles can happen!! :))


  1. Very authentic and raw! Keep up the good work! <3

    1. Thanks, Michael! I appreciate your feedback and support. :)) <3

  2. I love this! I've been getting a lot of 'stop trying and just be' stuff as well. I guess when it comes from all sides it's time to listen. Just loved the synchronicities you experienced around this. Such joy in the perfection of just being! One thing - I think we have to stop trying to fix ourselves as well and just allow ourselves to be who we are when we are and why we are. When the pressure is off, the answers just seem to pour in! Thanks for helping me to remember :)

    1. Wow! I LOVE the Synchronicity here, Nancy. freeing it will be when we just ALLOW ourself to BE who we are. WOO HOO!!! <3 Thanks for your feedback!

  3. I love it. Yep, just BE :)

  4. Thanks for sharing your experience... You authenticity is shining! - Mel

  5. Thanks, Mel! Authenticity or bust!! haha <3
